Standalone supporting structure designed for installation of photovoltaic panels in vertical configuration is based on single steel supports driven into the ground.
Frame construction made of aluminium profiles enables to install two banks of photovoltaic panels inclined to the ground at an angle of15+36°~
Photovoltaic panels - versatile system
Frame construction made of aluminium profiles enable to install various types of photovoltaic panels (with frame ancl frame-free) with various dimension, and, thanks to this, the system is versatile.
Supports driven into the ground - solid and reliable system
Supports are made of rigid double-tee bars type of IPE and thanks to this, the risl< of damage ofthe supports during driving them into the ground and striking hard obstruction is minimal. This solution enables reduction both project
completion time and costs. Pile driving depth inside the ground is determined depending on ground survey results.
Easy and quick assembly -functional system
Ground based part of the structure is assembled with use of screwed connections and special fixing elements with minimal quantity of required tools. Applied solutions enable easy and fast assembly of single components and access tothe components Without any problems.
Possibility of adjusting foreseeing system
System makes possible to adjust the location of installed components, which is useful in the case of ups and clowns or absence of repeatabiiity in framing.
Mounting to the ground - 1 support driven into the ground at intervals of 2,5 m
Configuration of panels - Vertical
Panel dimensions - Acc. to the project (no limits)
Angle of panel inclination - 15-36
Number of panel banks - 2 banks
Table length - Preferred to 30 m
Structural strength - Calculated acc. to project location
Material specifications - 1+5 Hot-dip galvanized steel type of S235, Aluminium profile made of 6005 alloy screws/nuts A2 stainless steel.
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